Free Consultation

Free Consultation - Business IT Services and Support - JM Restart

What is our free consultation service?

We provide free consultations to new and existing business customers so that you can discuss your IT requirements or problems with us with no charges or commitments.

  • We will listen to what you have to say and suggest a tailored solution that suits your business.
  • Following the consultation we may ask to do an inspection of your IT network to get a better understanding of the situation or problem before quoting for a solution. You will not be charged for this inspection.

Please complete the below form to book your free consultation with us. On receipt of your booking we will confirm that your consultation has been scheduled. If we are not available on the date you suggest we will contact you to inform you and to try to arrange another convenient time for you.

Free Consultation Form

    Your Name* (required)

    Company Name

    Your Email* (required)



    Meeting Location

    Your Message* (required)

    Topic of consultation* (required)

    Proposed/Suggested Date of Meeting:

    How did you hear about us?